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NeckVital Electronic Massager


Med School Professor Reveals the Truth: Here’s Why Doctors in America Don’t Know Anything About Treating Back Pain

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A bolt of excruciating pain ran through my lower back – and I knew right then and there that my life will never be the same again.

It all started in 2016 when I had a minor car accident.

At first, I just felt a slight twinge of pain in my lower back.

It wasn’t too bad, so I figured a few Tylenol will solve the problem.

But as time went on, the pain grew more and more intense.

Until it became absolute torture.

The minute I woke up, I’d feel a sharp, searing pain.

It felt like I was being stabbed with a rusty knife.

And it lasted all day, every day.

For 5 Years, This Excruciating Pain Made My Life a Nightmare

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There were mornings when I would wake up and think:

Should I even get out of bed?

My daily life was filled with so much pain and discomfort, I was dreading walking to the bathroom – let alone going to work.

I was trying so hard to live my life as normal.

I would put on a happy face and pretend everything was okay.

But it quickly became evident to everyone around me that it wasn’t.

I gained 30 pounds because I could no longer exercise.

My social life died off because I had no enthusiasm to go anywhere.

And even going to church – which used to be one of the highlights of my week – started to feel like torture.

I felt like an 80-year-old woman, even though I was still in my 40s.

The Most Frustrating Part Was, I Was Doing Everything I Could to Get Better

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I was examined by doctor after doctor and referred to specialist after specialist, but none of them had the cure I so desperately needed.

I tried cortisone injections, acupuncture, and hot yoga.

I visited every chiropractor in town.

I tried every stretch there is.

…But nothing helped.

I was afraid that surgery was the only option left.

And God knows how close I was to making that call.

I even told my husband that I was going under the knife.

I just needed a couple of weeks to gather the courage.

Luckily, that process was interrupted by a chance encounter with an old professor who led me to discover a better solution for my pain.

“Don’t Even Think About the Surgery”

f640eeb04a0e46b2e24a8e7f94b6a6fc 2560Those are the first words my old med school professor said when I told him about my situation.

I ran into him in a supermarket (how cliche is that?)

I don’t think that he recognized me, since I dropped out after just one year.

But he was kind enough to hear me out and give me advice nevertheless.

He told me that a vast majority of doctors in America don’t know anything about treating back pain because they are only given a measly 7 hours of training on pain management in medical school.

Their “solution” for everything is painkillers and surgeries.

But he assured me that I didn’t need any of the two.

That’s When I First Heard Those Words: Electrical Muscle Stimulation Therapy


Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is a special type of therapy that sends steady electric impulses to the muscle in order to relieve muscle tension, increase blood circulation, and strengthen weak muscles.

The professor explained that back pain is almost always caused by stiffness and tension in tiny, hard-to-reach muscles in our back.

(He told me what they are called but I forgot, my Latin is too rusty)

These muscles are very difficult to reach with stretches, massages, and even acupuncture – but electric impulses can easily get to them.

And once they do, they instantly relax the muscles and relieve the pain.

The professor insisted that I should try EMS therapy before the surgery.

And God knows I was desperate enough to try ANYTHING.

I didn’t even wait to get home; I started Googling in the supermarket.

I wanted to find a clinic that does EMS therapy nearby and schedule ASAP.

But instead, I found something even better.

I Accidentally Discovered a Tiny Device That Gave Me Instant Relief and Put an End to My Agony Once and For All

8f5255d7270d68c03b940c42ec1591a9 2560While looking for a clinic that offers EMS therapy, I stumbled upon an at-home massager that apparently used the exact same technology.

It’s called Mutlon Whole Body Massager.

It had thousands of reviews from people who claimed that it had helped them relieve pain, reduce swelling, and even recover from injuries.

Plus, it was only $29.99, so it was worth trying.

I bought it on the spot and it arrived at my doorstep a couple of days later.

See, I’m an optimist by nature, so I kinda believed that it was going to work.

But never in my wildest dreams did I expect that it would work so quickly.

It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

Within 30 seconds, I felt the pressure on my spine release.

Within a minute, my lower back felt loose for the first time in years.

And by the end of the process – which took less than 5 minutes – I felt like I’d had the best massage of my life.

I stood up and realized that there was no pain whatsoever.

I started moving around, expecting the pain to kick in at any moment.

But to my surprise, it didn’t.

I was so overwhelmed, I broke out in tears.

But this time, these were not tears of pain.

I was crying tears of relief.

5 Years of Excruciating Pain Were Erased in One Sitting

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I haven’t seen my doctor in over a year now.

Every time I feel even the slightest discomfort in my back, I attach Mutlon massager to my back and it stops the pain dead in its tracks.

I know it sounds like a stretch, but this tiny device literally saved my life.

I can exercise again and I’ve already lost 22 pounds.

I’m thriving at work (and even got a promotion recently).

And I have the energy of a woman 20 years younger.

My medical tests show that my back is stronger and healthier than ever.

And I feel like the best days of my life are ahead of me.

So if you are living with muscle pain – whether it’s in your back, neck, shoulders, or any other part of your body – I encourage you to give Mutlon Massager a shot and watch as your pain disappears in mere seconds.

Here’s How It Works


Mutlon Whole Body Massager uses EMS technology to relieve muscle tension, increase blood circulation, and strengthen weakened muscles.

Just like the name suggests, you can attach it to any part of your body – back, neck, waist, hip, leg, or arm – and let EMS technology erase any pain.

Its steady electric impulses penetrate deep into your body to relax the tense muscles that are causing the pain, creating immediate pain relief.

Plus, it comes with a variety of different modes and a mind-bending number of speed settings, so there is zero possibility you will not be able to find a satisfactory combination for whatever muscle group bothers you.

A Whopping 95% of Verified Users Reported Feeling Immediate Relief

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Life Is Too Short to Live in Pain! Try Mutlon Massager and Make the First Step Towards Your New, Pain-Free Life Today

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